9 Reasons why inclusive marketing gets better results
by April Wardy

Following on from the agency’s sessions on National Inclusion Week where we explored our diversity as a group, now feels like a good time to apply some of those learnings to our work.
Have you ever thought about the impact of your marketing campaigns on a wider, diverse audience? Inclusive marketing is no longer just a trend; it’s a necessity. In the modern era, brands need to reflect the diversity of the world they’re marketing to.
Consumers expect representation
The UK is made up of a mosaic of different cultures, genders, ages, and abilities. As societies become more diverse, businesses can’t afford to target just a single segment of the population.
Consumers today, armed with information and choices, expect brands to understand and respect their individual identities. They seek relatability, and brands which can’t provide this simply fall out of favour. Here’s 9 reasons why embracing inclusivity gets better results:
1. Authenticity
By showcasing a diverse range of individuals, businesses mirror the real world and enhance brand authenticity. It’s particularly important for millennials and Gen Z, who say this is their most important value.
2. Broadens audience reach
Instead of limiting communications to a narrow demographic, inclusive marketing allows brands to communicate with a larger, more varied audience, maximising the potential for growth and market penetration. Some products and services are universal – think broadband – you need to reach as many people who may buy as possible! 
3. Building trust
Customers prefer brands that resonate with their own values. Inclusive marketing sends a message that the brand cares about everyone, leading to increased trust and long-term loyalty.
4. Encourages positive word-of-mouth
Inclusive campaigns can often lead to increased social media sharing and positive word-of-mouth, as they evoke emotions and make consumers feel seen and understood. Think Dove’s Men Care campaign which celebrates what modern masculinity looks like, or Skittles losing their rainbow and partnering with LGBTQ artists for pride.
5. Drives innovation
Adopting an inclusive perspective can lead to new and unique marketing approaches. Diverse teams often bring fresh ideas, leading to innovative campaigns that stand out in the market.
6. Enhances brand reputation
In the age of information, customers are more informed and socially aware. Brands that practice inclusive marketing are seen as progressive and socially responsible, enhancing their overall reputation.
7. Higher engagement levels
Campaigns that highlight a variety of life experiences can lead to increased engagement, as more consumers see themselves reflected in the marketing materials. There’s sound commercial sense too – for example, the over 55’s represent nearly 70% of all UK household wealth, yet 88% feal they’re not represented in ads.
8. Supporting social causes
Inclusive marketing isn’t just about representation; it’s also about awareness. Brands can shed light on important social issues, creating a positive impact on society while resonating with socially conscious consumers. A good example is the AVIVA community fund which helps build stronger communities across the UK.
9. The bottom line
Given all the above benefits, inclusive marketing often translates into better financial performance. By reaching and resonating with a broader audience, brands can see improved return on investment (Kantar, 2021) for their marketing campaigns.

October 10, 2023

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