B2B Marketing trends for 2024
by April Wardy

From content creation to lead generation, B2B marketers face a myriad of challenges and opportunities. In recent years, B2B marketing has transitioned from a product-centric approach to a customer-centric one. Companies are no longer just selling products or services; they are building relationships and offering solutions to their clients’ problems.

This shift in perspective has paved the way for more personalised and engaging marketing strategies. And while some tactics might be less effective in 2024 (think telemarketing), other strategies such as increased personalisation are producing impressive results. Here’s 7 B2B trends we think will shape 2024:

1. Content creation gets easier

It’s fair to say that B2B Branded content can often be a bit on the dry side but there’s now no excuse for uninspiring assets. Canva and other similar platforms allow marketers the opportunity to producing more engaging content without the need for a big budget or advanced design skills. Which leads us to…

2. Personalisation at scale

AI provides us with the opportunity to make subtle but important changes to creative and copy. Segmentation can go far deeper than ever before, from more ad sets to addressing specific sector’s pain points in your email campaigns. Personalisation will be at the core of 2024 B2B campaigns as Account-Based Marketing (ABM) grows and is adopted by smaller companies thanks to better tech and a lower cost of entry.

3. Seamlessly connecting touchpoints

As your campaigns become more personalised, having an omnichannel strategy becomes ever more important and ensures a consistent brand experience across all channels, from social media to email marketing. Companies that master omnichannel strategies will have a competitive edge as customer journeys will become increasingly complex. Understanding and influencing these journeys will be a top priority for marketers.

4. The power of B2B video

Across B2C marketing, video content is king, and its reign shows no signs of ending. It’s similarly effective in the B2B world. Whether it’s explainer videos, product demos, or live webinars, video content is key to engaging prospects in 2024.

5. AI Lead generation strategies

AI-Powered Lead Scoring is revolutionising lead generation. AI algorithms can now predict the likelihood of a lead converting into a customer with remarkable accuracy. This allows marketing teams to focus their efforts on the most promising prospects, crucially not wasting precious time on those unlikely to convert.

6. Chatbots and conversational marketing

Chatbots are becoming an integral part of B2B websites, offering real-time assistance to visitors. This technology streamlines lead generation by engaging with potential customers 24/7. Being able to direct potential customers to right the right product set for their needs as seamlessly as possible will become key. It’s hard enough to drive the right targets to site – ensuring they get the right information at the right time is essential.

7. The impact of influencers

Social media and the growth of influencers has transformed B2C marketing, so it’s no surprise that B2B marketing has seen a significant increase in influencers. This shift is characterised by the rise of micro-influencers who have carved out their niche in various industries.

Unlike their celebrity counterparts in the B2C world, micro-influencers in the B2B sphere are known for their specialised knowledge and expertise. Platforms like LinkedIn have become the epicentre of their influence, where they share industry insights, thought leadership, and engage with their professional networks.

If you’re looking to adapt to emerging B2B trends in 2024, contact us today to discover how we can keep you stay ahead of the competition.

January 10, 2024

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