TCF v2.2: Your new north star in digital advertising
by Sarah Coften

Welcome to the digital age’s new frontier, where the Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) v2.2 is not just an update but a revolution in how we approach digital advertising. For all advertiser brands, including SMEs, challenger brands, and market newcomers, TCF v2.2 is like having a trusty compass in the vast ocean of online advertising. Let’s chart a course through this new terrain!

Why TCF v2.2 is your digital compass

1. Navigating privacy laws with ease: Think of TCF v2.2 as your GPS for GDPR (Europe & UK) and CCPA (US) compliance. It’s the toolkit you need to stay on course with these ever-evolving privacy laws, ensuring you never veer off into murky legal waters.

2. Sharpening your advertising edge: Personalised ads are more relevant and therefore garner better outcomes. With TCF v2.2 you can expect better engagement, with ads that not only stay relevant but also become more powerful, especially for those navigating the European, UK & US markets.

3. Smooth sailing with google: Adopting TCF 2.2 compliant Consent Management Platform (CMP) will align you with Google’s platforms. From 30 November 2023, Google require advertisers to have adopted an approved CMP from TCF 2.2 framework. Adoption now will ensure your journey with Google Ad Manager and other Google Ad tech stack elements is hassle-free and efficient.

4. Building trust like a pro: TCF v2.2 CMP is more than compliance; it’s about showing your audience that you value their privacy. This transparency is the cornerstone of building lasting relationships and a strong brand.

The countdown to November 30, 2023, and beyond

Steering through the changes: The shift from TCF 2.1 to 2.2 is significant. It redefines the landscape by eliminating legitimate interest as a basis for consent, standardising data retention periods, and ensuring users can easily manage their consent and preferences. It’s about setting a new standard in user-centric advertising.

Finding your path with CMPs: The IAB Europe website provides a daily updated list of TCF 2.2 registered CMPs, essential for ensuring your compliance journey is on the right track. Similarly, Google references IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF 2.2) as it’s standard for compliance. It’s crucial to ensure your CMP supports version TCF 2.2, with the deadline looming on the horizon.

Auditing your course: Most TCF 2.0 CMPs are expected to re-register for 2.2, but don’t leave this to chance. Conduct a thorough audit to confirm your CMP is listed and up to date. This is your shield against the rough seas of non-compliance.

ICO’s current stance: It’s crucial to note that the ICO’s approach has been one of guidance towards compliance rather than immediate penalisation. This is particularly relevant for those transitioning from TCF 2.1. However, recent warnings issued by the ICO to major UK websites highlight the urgency of aligning with current legislation, particularly regarding cookie consent policies.

Action steps for a smooth transition:

  1. Check your CMP: Ensure that your Consent Management Platform (CMP) is registered under TCF 2.2. This is your first step in aligning with the new framework.
  2. Update your strategies: Review your digital advertising strategies in light of the changes brought by TCF 2.2. Emphasise user consent and transparency in your data strategy.
  3. Educate Your Team: Make sure everyone in your organization understands the nuances of TCF v2.2. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it’s also compliance.
  4. Seek expert advice: If you’re using advertising platforms like Google Ads, Meta and TikTok, as well as any other programmatic or digital channels, ensure you’re up to date with any specific requirements and changes. Smithfield Agency are members of IAB and DMA and have access to many resources. Please reach out with any of your questions or concerns, a trusted agency partner can be invaluable in this regard.
  5. Communicate with 3rd parties: If you’re working with intermediaries or brand partners and you have data agreements in place, proactively reach out to them to ensure they’re aware of the TCF 2.2 requirements and have made necessary adjustments. Being proactive is the hallmark of a leader in digital advertising.

In conclusion, embracing TCF v2.2 is about charting a new course in the world of digital advertising. It’s about being a pioneer in a landscape that values privacy, transparency, and user-centric approaches. As we sail towards the November 30, 2023, deadline, let’s embrace this change not just as compliance but as an opportunity to lead and innovate in digital advertising.

November 29, 2023

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